Where It Began
Sarah first discovered Human Design in late 2019. Something instantly sparked within her and curiously, she started down a rabbit hole of all things HD. During lockdown in 2020, Sarah committed herself formally to HD studies, and soon after, became a Jenna Zoe certified Human Design reader. After spending the last few years reading family and friends (and whoever would listen really!), the time is right to bring Human Design to her extended community. The impact Human Design has had on Sarah's life has been profound to say the least. It's the one modality that radically shifted the way she shows up in her life. No other system, has made Sarah feel so seen, so validated and so celebrated for the unique person she is. That we all are. Self-defined 'flaws' or 'quirks' in her personality are now viewed as gifts, and help her to love and accept ALL parts of herself. She has applied her HD strategy and tools to her businesses, major life decisions, what she commits herself to (or not), and the most significant change has been how she parents her four children respective of their unique designs (2x Manifestors, 1x Generator and 1x Mani Gen). Her greatest success came once she was parenting in alignment with her own needs, as well as those of her children. Sarah is a 2/4 Manifesting Generator and she loves nothing more than sharing, discussing and strategising with others, on all things HD, to help others to embrace and celebrate their true, uniqueness to live the best life they can. So whether you are a complete beginner to Human Design, or you know parts of your chart but long to chat, learn more and to dive deeper - let's do it! Sarah also love, love, LOVES reading children's charts specifically for Mama's, to help them navigate how best to parent and guide their child to shine, as the unique little beings that they are.
Readings are conducted at 8pm Monday or Wednesday evenings.
To book a Human Design session with Sarah, complete the form below and she'll be in contact to confirm your appointment date and time.
Human Design
Human Design Adult Blueprint Reading
In this session you will learn the basics of your Human Design chart including your strategy, profile and authority, as well as an introduction on how to apply this information to your life in really practical ways.
60min AUD$111
Human Design Child Blueprint Reading
In this session you will explore your child's chart including strategy, profile and authority, and the practical ways you can guide and nurture them, to honour their unique design.
*Note: Child readings only available for those who've had their own adult reading.
45min AUD$85
Human Design Deep Dive + Strategy Chat
For those who have a basic understanding of their Human Design Chart but want to take their knowledge to the next level with a deep dive into other aspects of your blueprint including environment, digestion and a strategy chat on how to live your unique design specific to your life.
60mins AUD$150